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Join our ME Time Challenge
Look forward to weekly challenges that center your self care by feeding your mind, body, and soul.
A La Carte Experience
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Full Mom’s Summit Experience
Enjoy the entire Summit including tickets to all workshops, weekly challenges, and surprise gifts to keep you motivated.
June 4 Summit Welcome with Tasha Dixon, founder of Luv the Mama and Angelou Johnson, a Licensed Professional Counselor. We will be discussing the importance of self care, practical tips on burnout, maintaining a sense of self, and balance.
June 11 1pm PST/ 4pm EST Grounding and Conscious Movement with Louise Long and Ekiria Magala.
June 25 10 am PST/ 1pm EST Refilling Your Cup – Cultivating Creativity and Prioritizing Self with Sakinah Holfer
July 9 1pm PST/ 4pm EST Aromatherapy – A Sensory Experience with Deborah Long
July 22 2pm PST/ 11am EST Living Well – A Culinary Experience with Kamaria Moore. Kamaria Moore.
July 23 11am PST/ 2pm EST Nutrition and Wellness with Nutritionist Amaeze-Madukah
Louise Long is a reiki master, sound healer, and a certified aesthetician. Inspired by her son and a desire to provide a safe space for healing, she founded Love and Balance Healing Space in 2019. Learn all about energy healing and routines to keep yourself grounded even when life feels hectic.
Ekiria Magala is a 500-hr registered yoga teacher living in Venice Beach, California. You can find her enjoying a slow morning, grabbing coffee with friends, meditating at the beach or hanging at the skate park. She’s always looking and finding new rituals to nourish her mind, body and spirit. Come enjoy a soul-nourishing Katonah flow that taps into your own infinite bodily wisdom through breath and conscious movement.
Sakinah Hofler, Phd, is an award-winning fiction writer, poet, Ted Speaker and playwright. She is a former chemical and quality engineer for the United States Department of Defense and hails from the great city of Newark, NJ. Dr. Hofler is currently a lecturer in Princeton’s Writing Program at Princeton University and will be guiding us through a writing workshop that emboldens us to cultivate creativity and prioritize ourselves.
Deborah Long Chambers is a Level II Certified Aromatherapist. She founded DLC Aromatics more than 20 years ago with a mission to, “…inspire the use of essential oils and essential oil blends to address the physical, mental, and emotional imbalances that compromise the quality of everyday life”. Deborah will be guiding us through an aromatic experience and sharing ways to incorporate essential oils as a natural approach to feeling good
Kamaria Moore is an entrepreneur, chef, and lifestyle aficionado. Inspired to elevate life with joy, she created her brand Moore Living Co. to show that living well is accessible. Kamaria will be teaching us how to prepare one of her favorite dishes inspired by locally sourced ingredients.
Amaeze Madukah is a Registered Nutritionist (RNutr) with a Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition. She serves as trustee for the Association for Nutrition (AFN) and is the programme lead for The Diverse Nutrition Association. Amaeze will be leading us in a workshop debunking common myths about food, and discussing tips to build a well rounded culturally sensitive meal.
We are Jamilah and Pier Jea, founders of Untethered Moms. We created this platform to provide information, establish community, and celebrate women. Our mission is to help mothers feel seen while building a sense of agency and fulfillment in their motherhood journey. The Moms Summit is a restorative opportunity to prioritize yourself and connect with other like-minded moms. We look forward to seeing you there!
Successful parenting doesn’t mean pouring from an empty cup.
Its time to invest in yourself.
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